IWA delivers a programme leading to a Level 5 major award in Community Health Services (5M4468).
Programme Aim
This programme will enable the learner to develop the knowledge, skills, and competence to work under supervision in a range of community health service settings or to progress to further and/or higher education and training.
Who is the programme for ?
This programme is intended for individuals who wish to pursue a career or further education in the field of community health services.
This major award is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of various aspects of community health and social care, equipping learners with the knowledge and skills needed to work effectively in community-based healthcare settings.
On successful completion learners will be able to:
Demonstrate a broad range of knowledge related to human health, human development, community health services and issues relating to the physical and psychological health of the community
Demonstrate a broad range of practical, interpersonal and communication skills in providing for the diverse needs of individuals, groups, and organisations in the community health service environment
Demonstrate practical and technical knowledge, skills, and abilities within a range of community health service settings
What does Level 5 major award in Community Health Services (5M4468) involve?
The total Credit value required for this certification is 120 credits. This can be achieved be completing the following modules
Communications 5N0690
The purpose of this award is to equip the learner with the relevant knowledge, skill, and competence to communicate verbally and nonverbally in standard everyday tasks and in work-related tasks, operating independently while under general direction.
Safety & Health at Work 5N1794
The purpose of this award is to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill, and competence to promote and maintain safety and health in a work environment.
Care Skills 5N2770
The purpose of this award is to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill, and competence to provide support in a safe and hygienic environment.
Work Practice 5N1433
The purpose of this award is to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill, and competence to work in an organisation or specific vocational context, carrying out vocationally related tasks over a period of time, independently while under general supervision.
Equality & Disability 5N1273
The purpose of this award is to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill, and competence to challenge personal and/or organisational behaviour that discriminates against people with disabilities. It aims to provide learners with an awareness of the importance of equality for people with disabilities in all areas of society.
Care of the Older Person 5N2706
The purpose of this award is to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill, and competence to meet the full range of needs of older people in a variety of work settings.
Team Working 5N1367
The purpose of this award is to equip the learner with the relevant knowledge, skill, and competence to work as an effective member of a team, operating independently while under general direction and within a range of diverse, team-oriented environments.
Care Support 5N0758
The purpose of this award is to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill, and competence to work effectively in a social care setting. It aims to promote good practice and respect for diversity in lifestyle, religion, and culture in the work environment.
(Please note that these modules may be subject to change)
Entry Requirements
- Successful completion of a programme leading to a level 4 QQI certificate or equivalent.
- Ability to demonstrate the levels of knowledge, skill and competence associated with NFQ level 4.
- Have relevant work experience in the area of health and social care.
- Be able to read, draft, prepare, understand, and process information across a broad range of topics.
- Have a good level of spoken and written English
- Be able to solve predictable problems independently.
- Demonstrate a range of practical and cognitive skills and tools.
- Act with a considerable amount of responsibility and autonomy.
- Be in a position to complete the recommended hours of self-directed learning in the form of practice time, preparation, study time and reflection time.
- Be in a position to attend all timetabled classes and participate in all programme related activities.
We encourage applicants who do not meet these entry requirements but have prior experience working in health and social care to apply for admission using RPL. We consider requests for admission by RPL on a case-by-case basis and we guide and support the applicant through the process. An RPL applicant must be able to demonstrate learning based on another programme of study, their work or other learning experiences.
English Language Requirement for Entry
Competence in written and spoken English is an entry requirement. Applicants whose first language is not English will be required to demonstrate proficiency in English to an appropriate level as specified by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL) by having an appropriate score in an approved examination in English language.
We accept an IELTS test score of 6 which indicates that a person is ‘competent’, meaning they can cope in a classroom situation even though there may be some mistakes or misunderstandings with language. We also accept IELTS equivalents such as TOELF score 60-78 and Cambridge exam level B2. We ask applicants to provide evidence of a test result from a recognised exam centre when applying.
What are the learner progression routes?
Individuals who successfully complete the Community Health Services Major Award, are eligible to apply for employment as a healthcare assistant or community support worker. Alternatively, this Level 5 Major Award can also support an application to a level 6 award on the National Framework of Qualifications and a range of third level institutions to study social care/studies.
IWA has a Support for Education fund SFE, Employees may be eligible to funding to support their progression journey through this fund. Employees interested in progressing after they have completed level 5 can discuss this will the team.
Learner Supports
Learner support is critical component of an effective learning experience. IWA provide a range of supports to learners and recognises that everyone is different and supports therefore may be different for everyone.
IWA places substantial emphasis on its learner-centred approach to education. We ensure that all our learners are provided with support appropriate to their context and specific circumstance. Every learner in IWA is given the opportunity to highlight and discuss any individual needs that they may have.
Examples of some of the learner supports available can include, scribing assistance, additional time during examinations where appropriate and assessments in alternative formats. For more information on IWA’s Support for Learners, please contact our Learning & Development department at training@iwa.ie
How to apply?
We are happy to meet prospective learners to discuss and advise on the course details, career and academic opportunities and assess an applicant’s suitability for the course.
To apply for this training please contact training@iwa.ie