It is still early days for the newly formed Government and much of the details of how the Programme for Government is to be implemented has yet to be announced. However, IWA welcomes early indications that a new unit focused on disability will be established in the Department of An Taoiseach.
Irish Wheelchair Association’s mission is for an inclusive society where people with disabilities enjoy the same freedom of choice in how they live their lives, as those living without a disability. They believe that a unit with this focus, coupled with the refocussed Department of Children, Disability and Equality, and a Super Junior Minister for Disabilities, will strengthen the government’s ability to make meaningful change for the 22% of people in Ireland who are currently living with a disability.
“This is a step in the right direction and gives us hope that this Government means business and is putting the structures in place to make it happen. This will help break down silos between departments. Too often, our members tell us that they are passed between departments, which is not only frustrating and time-consuming for them but also allows for lots of people and services to fall through the gaps.” Says Ann Marie O’Grady, CEO of Irish Wheelchair Association.
In their election manifesto, the Association called for government departments to work together to resolve issues across housing, social welfare, access, transport and sport. Investment in personal assistant services along with adequate funding for disability service providers, which includes pay parity for Section 39 workers are also critical points in their document.
Ms O’Grady goes on to say, “Moving away from the medical model to a social model of disability will be a game changer for people as individuals and for society. In IWA, we see the potential in our members daily and welcome the opportunity to work with the new cabinet so that meaningful change can be achieved for all.”
Irish Wheelchair Association’s General Election Manifesto can be found here.