We are delighted to introduce the first edition for 2025 of SpokeOut, IWA’s membership magazine.

In addition to some interesting news and information from IWA, we have improved how the magazine looks and works. We hope that you find this version more accessible and easier to read and navigate.

SpokeOut is emailed monthly, so if you don’t currently receive it but would like to, you can read January’s edition and subscribe via the page linked below.

Click here to read the new edition of SpokeOut magazine

In this edition, we are delighted to bring you information on IWA’s Ability Programme, designed to help people with disabilities gain employment. We are currently taking applications so please make sure to read on and see if it is something that you would like to apply for.

On the housing front, we bring you up to date on a housing conference we’ll be hosting this year. Through this event, we will be working hard to lobby for the building of more wheelchair liveable housing.

Updates from IWA-Sport, fundraising and volunteers also feature so please take a couple of minutes to bring yourself up to speed on all the latest information.

So, please read on and subscribe today.

Subscribe to IWA's Member Magazine : SpokeOut


SpokeOut is Irish Wheelchair Association's member magazine packed full of helpful information and all the latest news.

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