At Irish Wheelchair Association (IWA), we believe in creating a society where people with disabilities can lead active and independent lives. Central to this mission is our fleet of accessible buses, a lifeline that connects our members to the wider community and essential services.

Empowering Independence

Our buses are more than just vehicles; they are vessels of independence. They enable our members to attend important medical appointments, participate in IWA activities, and engage in social events, breaking the barriers of isolation and immobility.

A Story of Connection

Every journey in an IWA bus is a story of connection and empowerment. These buses serve as mobile meeting points where friendships are formed and support networks are built, fostering a sense of belonging and community among our members.

The Challenge Ahead

However, maintaining this vital service is a challenge. Our buses face wear and tear and require regular maintenance to ensure safety and comfort. Moreover, as our fleet ages, the need to replace older buses with modern, accessible vehicles becomes critical.

Your Contribution Makes a Difference

This is where we need your help. Fundraising is essential for the upkeep and expansion of our bus fleet. Your donations will directly contribute to:

  • Regular Maintenance: Ensuring our current fleet is safe and reliable.
  • New Buses: Investing in modern, accessible vehicles to replace older models.
  • Expanding Services: Increasing our capacity to support more members across Ireland.

Join Our Journey

Be a part of this empowering journey. Your support can make a significant difference in the lives of people with disabilities in Ireland. Together, we can ensure that our fleet continues to be a beacon of independence and connectivity for our members.