Irish Wheelchair Association (IWA) is pleased to announce the success of their pioneering project, the DAISY Programme, which supports schools to promote disability awareness and inclusion.

The curriculum-based initiative offers free disability awareness training for primary schools and is designed to empower teachers to deliver the content at their own pace.

The main goal of the DAISY Programme is to create a more inclusive world for all, starting with children. Since its initial launch, the programme has been piloted in numerous schools across the country, achieving remarkable success. Grants from the Late Late Toy Show Fund and Pobal have provided essential funding for this ground-breaking project, but IWA is now actively seeking a long-term sponsor or funder to further expand its reach.

PHOTO CAPTION: Edel Carey, the IWA DAISY Coordinator and Facilitator

“The positive impact of the DAISY Programme on schools and students has been truly remarkable,” said Edel Carey, the IWA DAISY Coordinator and Facilitator. “Through engaging with the content and encouraging curiosity, children are becoming more aware and compassionate towards the needs of others. We are seeing an amazing transformation in how they treat each other in the classroom.”

Check out the video in support of our DAISY Programme

The DAISY Programme offers a fun, age-appropriate, and flexible approach to disability awareness education. To sign up, interested teachers can visit the Irish Wheelchair Association website at Online registration is free, and schools can participate in the programme at their convenience. Parents are encouraged to nominate their school and request Disability Awareness Training for their children. IWA is are also seeking Transition Year classes to pilot a version of the DAISY Programme with.

“The DAISY Programme has opened the minds of children to view the world through a different lens. They are now drawing pictures of accessible playgrounds and making positive changes. It is truly amazing, and we believe that every child deserves the opportunity to learn about disability in a safe environment.” added Edel.

For more information about sponsoring or supporting the DAISY Programme, please contact the Irish Wheelchair Association.