It’s hard to believe we are into the summer months, although we’re still waiting for the weather to catch up. Members have been busy up and down the country at the political hustings organised by IWA’s centres so a huge thank you to everyone who has played a part in these. They have been hugely successful and a vital part in helping to put our case to election hopefuls. It’s safe to say that our members didn’t hold back and our issues have been heard loud and clear. As the final countdown to the elections continues this week we hope that you can vote on Friday, June 7th. IWA continues to lobby and advocate at a national level. Together we hope to make a strong impact.

Huge thanks to those who attended the Annual General Meeting either online or in person. As we are always looking to improve, we have sent out a survey to capture your feedback and appreciate your time in filling this out.

Click on the images below to read more about IWA’s Election Hustings and all the latest from IWA-Sport with under 100 days to go to the Paralympic Games in Paris this summer.